Team roles & permissions

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You can easily invite users to join your organization on Village and assign each staff different roles based on the access levels you need. Permissions can't be customized so before inviting a staff user review the preset list of permission below:

Roles description

  1. Admin / Full Access: Full access to all features, including reporting and payment setup. Admins can oversee and control all aspects of the organization.
  1. Member / Limited Access: Members cannot view reports, access payment setup, or receive payout-related emails. They cannot upgrade or archive other staff members.
  1. No access: This means the staff member is not linked to a Village user, and they don't have access to your organization or receive any email notifications. You might want to add an external user for reference, such as instructors or internal staff who don't need access to your organization but whose availability you want to manage to prevent overlapping registrations.

Overall, the main difference between an Admin and a Member is their permission to view financial information:

Let’s review particular permissions within the Team & Resource management:

Let’s go through the specific permissions related to email notifications:

We value your feedback and are always looking to improve. If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out to us. We’re here to help!

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